Amazons and Women Warriors

a visual presentation by Max Dashú

women warriors from Japan, Turkey, Burkina Faso, Argentina, Ukraine, Central Asia, and Kiowa Country

Amazon legends, archaeology, and history! we sort out the real from male fantasy, in Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Brazil, Greece, Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan, Iran, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mongolia. Feast your eyes on Odissi Amazons in the Udyagiri caves; Vlasta and her Czech Amazons; Yennega in Burkino Faso, and the Amazons of Dahomey; Lozen, Chiricahua Apache medicine warrior; warrior women of the Great Plains and Alto Perú. Plus a taste of Amazons in modern culture and feminist art.

Live visual presentation. 90 minutes, with extra time
for discussion and questions (60-minute version also available).
Requirements: digital projector, screen, mic

For descriptions of other Suppressed Histories presentations,
look at the current
catalog of digital presentations.

"During the fight between the natives of St Croix and the [invading] Spaniards, a Galician was slain by an Indian woman, and another soldier was seriously wounded." According to an account by Peter "Martyr", who also "relates that the St Croix Indians who made the attack appeared to be governed by the same woman who inflicted the wounds on the slain Spaniard and his companion." --Theodor de Booy, Archaeology of the Virgin Islands, Indian Notes and Monographs, Vol. I No. 1 New York Museum of the American Indian, 1919

Armenian warriors

Armenian women warriors

Arabian warrior queens Zabibi and her successor Samsi reigned circa 740-720 BCE, commanding armies with numerous women to fight Assyrian invaders

About Max Dashú

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